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Helping you live a more authentic life.

Meet Opal Soteria

The programs I have created were born out of the knowledge I have gained during my own healing journey.

I was born neurologically and spiritually divergent. I am also a trauma survivor, who is now thriving. By the time I was in my late twenties, I became acutely and chronically ill. After wading through all the silver bullet cures and best practices, I eventually arrived at a place in which I am living more authentically than ever before.

Opal Soteria - creator of Land of OS, a multifaceted holistic wellness model

My classes are the result of 30 plus years of working diligently to improve my holistic well-being. My signature programs include a somatic chakra healing dance class and a woman’s wisdom healing group. The most rewarding part of this work is a client’s realization that they have been so much more than good enough all along. Some of the most profound moments happen when people, with the common purpose of healing, feel safe enough to be vulnerable in the presence of one another. This is the key component to a successful healing group.

I created LAND OF OS to provide a nurturing environment in which we all hold sacred space for one another, allowing each of us to emerge renewed. The understanding that we are all created from pure light has given me the freedom to live a more heart-centered life. The most important path is the one that leads us home to our truest selves. If you are courageous enough to bring your heart, mind, and spirt on this healing journey,

I promise you won’t have to travel the yellow brick road all alone!