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Bring clarity to your best intentions

Intro To Digital Vision Boards

Let's map out your future through my digital vision board class

Let's map out your future.

Why aren’t you living your best life? What would that life look like? Are you ready to take charge of your life? Vision boards are great tools for bringing clarity to our best intentions.

The old school way of creating a vision board was to cut out magazine pictures and glue them to a piece of foam board. The vision board would sit on our desk for a while and collect dust until the pictures started falling off. Eventually our masterpiece wound up in the trash. Now technology has made it easy for anyone to make a digital vision board that can be stored on our electronic device. This method also makes it easy to make changes over time as you make adjustments to your plan.

We all have dreams. In this class you will learn a step-by-step method for achieving your desired goals. We will use a manifesting process that combines the chakra system and modern psychology to chart our visions of what we wish to achieve. I will coach you to become clear on what you actually want to create and how to bring your dreams to fruition.

Women creating Digital Vision Boards to bring clarity to the process of manifesting intentions

Ready to have fun while mapping out your future?
Let’s Get Started!

We all have dreams. In this class you will learn a step-by-step method for achieving your desired goals.

90 minute session = $ 50.00

I like to speak with all of my clients beforehand, so if you are ready to purchase, email me via the link below and let’s connect!